I am sad. Not crying out loud,screaming with-fist-up-to-God-grieving sadness. Just downright heavy hearted sad. And I will tell you why :~
I've been blogging for more than two years, and I met some fantastic men and women in the blogsphere which somehow, maybe they already know or not - I call friends. Yes, you guys who are reading this.
For those who have seen my entries, and personally know me, you might judge me as a very abrasive guy, who speaks his mind, and maybe hurts some feeling (oh ok, maybe a lot) along the way. But I know you ALL know that I never aim to hurt anybody THROUGH your very own blogs.
My comments might sound rash, maybe weird. But I never intended it to cause maximum damage to your sensitive collective hearts.
So last night, I commented on a fellow blogger's picture she put up recently. I asked a question about a characteristic of the building in her snapshot. And less than 15 minutes ago, she sent me an email, asking me to stop asking stupid questions in her blog. Or was it my aim to pull her down.
You can say I was so disappointed in this kind of people. Didn't your teachers tell you; ASK IF YOU DON'T KNOW. I am a teacher, and I practice what I preach.
In her email, she made me sound like an idiot, which I am not. She might have the idea I was toying with her, but GOOD GRACIOUS woman! Malaysia has VERY FEW CHURCHES!! And when I asked about the state of its windows, why must you be so overly sensitive?
We live in different parts of the world. So why must you assume I know everything you know?
So the best thing I can do is withdrawing myself from visiting her blog ever again (I regularly did this, and now I know why she stop visiting mine. She thinks I am not good enough to be her friend). I even deleted myself from her follower list.
And the last thing I did was sending her an e-mail reply, apologizing profusely for being 'stupid' and promised never to bother her again (even though there was nothing to be sorry about in my opinion, but I don't make war with strangers). I also told her that I am so sorry to be so truthful in her blog, because she had shown herself to be appreciative to only 'nice' and 'sweet' comments from her readers.
This made my head hurt. I so hate people with plastic personality.
I will be offlined for a few days in blogspot. No, I will not be lost or fall out of grid. I just need to think about the hypocrisy of humans and how to deal with people who just cannot stand the truth.
I love you all. :f
shooting star and a limp biscuit
Lately, I've been contemplating how much longer I wish to stay on working
at the testing center. I've been slowly increasing my tuting while
10 hours ago