Introvert Me, Retrovert You

I remembered when I was in primary school, I was a really shy and silent boy. I even stuttered, and the problem lengthened way to secondary school, and made me speak rather fast in presentations to hide this embarrassing flaw.

I have no problem standing in front of any rows, mainly because I have less fear than many, yet I didn't call attention to myself by being too brilliant or very very stupid.

I found that I am more reckless nowadays. I talk louder and sometimes criticizing my superiors. I became relentless...

What happen to that quiet guy who don't make waves?

Recently in a district teachers gathering, I grabbed the mike and spoke for 20 minutes about the future of education, my own experiences and other grievances I can think of.
They were entertained.
I was drunk with power, ahahahahaha! 

Now those high and mighty in the Department know my name. Oops! (Was already infamous with reports of my radical mouth in class and school).

Why am I always envisioning that I will die in a huge fiery blast?

Must blog on.... Oh God give me the STRENGTH to go on! (Dramatic stance)

It has been almost a week and i have wondered off the trail again. Sniffing the wonderful scent of wild flowers (procrastination) and catching beautiful sparkly butterflies (idiot stuff) by the shadowy meadows of my mind (aka lots of sleep).

I am listening to music using my Bluetooth headphone, in the staff room, while waiting for a class in 30 minutes time. Ehem, I am actually doing teacher's work here, even though unrelated to the subject I am teaching, which is Science. Some students actually read my articles here, though they have a mighty hard time understanding as I don't really use 'simple words' (and they rarely use dictionaries nowadays...) And understandably, none will leave a comment as I will face and comment on them later in school, face to face. The power of fear, eh? Now let's photo - blog!

This is the school field at 650 in the morning. The warden house, next to the hostel has this view and as I have to wake up early to see the students off to school, I might as well snap a few pictures of the sun NOT rising yet. I sleep in school like once or twice a week.

My cat, Nabilah @ Kiki. A domestic long hair. The cat in the previous post belonged to my housemate. Cats are very clingy when you leave them for long hours. I was almost knocked down a few times when the kitties ran between my legs. Had some urges to slap them but come to think of it... that is one of the few ways they could show their love.
She will sit on the floor like this in front of me as I watch the television or play my games.

And this is the way up to school from the hostels. It's 720 and my prefects in blue are ready to take the names of latecomers. Everybody (except teachers) must walk up the hill, and those with transports have to leave them by the hostel parking lot. 
Come to think of it, this is about the ONLY proper exercise these students do on a daily basis.

This is a class of mine (14 years old), in the laboratory.
Since last month, I decided to take the backbench literally and made them teach to me and the rest of the class. All classes I teach are affected by this radical change; Sir Ramzu will no longer teach and tell. I will tell you why, soon.

And lastly, introducing my latest hobby! Stand-gardening! (Or standing while gardening, because I do not wish to have a back ache) or please rename this properly for me.
I use the place next to my gate to put some pots with plants at chest high. 
The one you see now is a chilli plant, a thai basil, a stevia, a mint, one bulbous and a mulberry. I should relocate the mulberry to a larger pot, as advised by a friend if I want it to bear fruits. I had to put my other basil plant inside the house because the Malaysian sun is just too harsh on it. Now it stays next to the kitchen sink (picture pending).

Yay! Another post done! Will do my rounds on your blogs soon enough.
My class is about to start soon :)  

Long Time No Siege... (Fav Age of Empires meme)

It has been ages since I blogged.
I used to blog because I love to write about stuff and maybe I also love to have people commenting on my article.
And I blog to increase my proficiency in English... as nobody around me talk the language (they understand, but they don't have the drive).
Sometimes I impose on my students, by talking or asking questions in English, which they rarely reply back in the same language...

Oh well.

The rise of technology makes people lazy (except to those who use the tech for money of course). I have buckets of books that I haven't read, which I religiously bought at the book-fairs.

I used to read 2 thick books a month. Now hardly so!

So ashamed of myself...

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