Eat your heart out and look at my bi-colour metallic betta, Tenchi.

Special effects? Nope. The fish is in pristine freshwater, in a very 'zen'-like environment.

Somebody gave me this aquarium. I am definitely happy with it because it looks so classy.
This entry was prompted by Mr Tenchi who said through text-message to look at his new betta. I hope he cries tears of blood looking at the above pictures... :B
I didn't said mine is more prettier than yours...my text massage is " go c my betta half moon..." that all
Zen fish....how cool...
Cleaning the tank once a week sounds like a lot of work to me. Does it seem like a lot of work to you or is it a happy thing to do? How long have you had the tank up and running?
Tenchi; *snif*
Radio N; Thanks :)
TechnoBabe; I just got this new aquarium less than a week ago. In total, I have 4 betta fish, so they live in 4 separate aquariums.
The aquariums are not really big (1.5 litre) so it is not really hard work to clean them once a week.
Damn that's one beautiful fish! Love it!
gorgeous!!!simple but nice...i loike the way to decorate the aquarium...
cant wait to see it..
Aizan; You can get the aquarium from IKEA. Ask ur fren Nani to get the fish!
maximus; The sand and stones came with the package.
waa the zen tank and betta fish went so well together ! i saw a similiar design online but its green and pink! quite lovely if you'd ask me! too bad there's no IKEA in penang!
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