In my personal book, female students are more dangerous than boys. In this Muslim country where religious correctness is always paramount, there are different unsaid rules in engaging both sexes. For female students, unrelated males are not supposed to touch them (willingly or not), no screaming abuses, no heavy punishment etc towards them. Female = fairer sex = weaker half.
I call this a GARGANTUAN hill of bull excrement. (Yes, I support equality in all).
Because of these 'privileges', many young females today are every bit the social trash of the society. Because of the 'no touching rule', many girls have stuff they are not supposed to bring to school. Stuff like handphones, make up, perfumes etc.
And some of you might scream at the barbarity of this. "Let the kids have their make up in school! Have you no heart?! My teachers let us wear perfume!" etc etc.
Here, every student must be in school uniform. The meaning of UNIFORM should be suffice to rule out any objection. Unmonitored creativity in clothing, smell and look paves a path to Chaos.
Anyway, we had a spot check this morning and a great pile of confisticated make up and cosmetics was produced from the girls. I had fun crunching a huge amount of mascaras, cheap perfumes, compact powder etc under my heavy construction boots
of power.
Many girls hid forbidden items anywhere they can think of. Some tried to bury / throw stuff on the school field where they were held before check up. Some put items inside their underwear and bras (despicable!) A few passed their things to girl prefects for safe keeping. UNFORTUNATELY. The items found on / in the field were vehemently stamped on by yours truly, and the pieces went into the dustbin. The items in underwears and bras were all found by female teachers who has EVERY RIGHT to touch girls in this special occassion. And one female prefect was caught handling her friend's mobile phone, she will be demoted soon.
Anyway, let me show you the
piece de resistance.... Mobile phones on rice! A couple of girls decided to put their gadgets inside their packed breakfast. The rice was still very hot, I wonder if the phones still work after that. But this ingenuity was lost because my prefects were very thorough in going through people stuff :)
Oh, by the way, the girl with the braces is a prefect. She just posed for the picture for me.