My housemates never watched Star Wars before, and as I am so hyped for the latest
installment this December ("The Force Awakens"), I had to force them to watch both
previous trilogies on my Bluray player (and yes, I have the box dvd, every fan should
have wot?)
So, two nights ago we started on “Star Wars IV; A New Hope” and last night we
continued with “Star Wars V; The Empire Strikes Back”. When I asked them when do
they think the films were made, both said maybe earlier this millennium. When I told them the first movie was released in 1977, they cannot believe it at first. Heck, even I
cannot believe it myself while watching starcruisers chasing the
Millennium Falcon on glorious HDTV. Its cinematic orgasm, I tell ye!
cannot believe it myself while watching starcruisers chasing the
Millennium Falcon on glorious HDTV. Its cinematic orgasm, I tell ye!
Anyway that is beside the point. I was born a year after the first Star Wars,
but was only
but was only
able to watch it in the late 1980s, when we had our first colour tv. I didn't understand
much at the time, but heck EVERYBODY knows Darth Vader. I even wished to grow up to be a Sith Lord (no secret there to those who knew me). Galactic domination! Red
lightsabers are cool! And to kill anyone through tv screens! Yay!
(Makes me very good in reading people... and then manipulating them later)
I am typing all this using an Acer netbook. My Asus notebook died on me after only a
year (making me hate the brand and not wanting to do anything with it anymore). A
netbook is indeed smaller, and WAY slower. But it does it job, as I only use this
netbook to blog and do some light work and browsing.
netbook to blog and do some light work and browsing.
But some people just cannot understand why the colour is pink....
(“It’s so not you....”) I told them
(“It’s so not you....”) I told them
that was the only colour left, when all the blues, reds and silvers were out of stock.
And is it so hard
And is it so hard
to imagine a Sith Lord with a pink death ray console?
Anyhow I read somewhere; it is a very brave man who sports pink (not gay, ok!)
Use the Force Ramzu!
Congrats on your new device! Might be a little slow, but it's cute.
Mr Fairul;
Of course we chose the Dark path!
Mr Freeland;
Ha, I never consider it as cute. But thanks anyway :)
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