Asam Pedas Ultra Special

"Ikan di laut, asam di darat  (Fish in the sea, tarmarind from the land)

Dalam periuk bikin muafakat  (In the cooking pot, making harmony) "

I am a fan of the asam pedas dish, and always experiment on new brands of asam pedas paste in the market. For now at least the best commercial paste comes from Maggi - Fish Head Asam Pedas. But no matter how good the cooking dish is, I always temper the original recipe by adding one or two extra ingredient.

Well, yesterday I bought a huge salmon's head from Cold Storage to make my own asam pedas dish. The ancient poem above made me observe the source of the fish before the purchase...'flown from Scandinavia'. Wow, this fish was captured half a world away and it's going into my cooking pot, with asam (tarmarind) imported from Thailand (yes, I checked). Our Malay accestors would have never dreamt such thing to be possible.

Anyway; the salmon head asam pedas.... was so mind-blowingly good, I'd go and buy another huge fish head soon. Try it if you don't believe me. :)

p.s. - sorry, no photo. I ate the whole head up and THEN remembered.


Aizan Suhaira said...

Asam Pedas Ultra Mambang.
That's pretty adventurous using salmon, not to mention pricey. But hey, whatever makes you think.

My grandma makes the best asam pedas dish in the whole wide world. She doesn't use Maggi asam pedas paste. She makes everything from scratch.

I can't cook a single thing though. I just enjoy eating.


Aizan Suhaira said...

Oh shoot.
I don't mean whatever makes you think.

I meant whatever makes you TICK.

Bad finger-brain coordination.

I'm hungry. That's my excuse.

Unknown said...

My mom was mad with me because I didn't take off the gills of the fish before cooking.

I told her I like blood in my food (seriously).

She got even angrier,"I am not raising a vampire!" :)

Inkpot said...

heehee Shadowthorne, love your mom's reply!

btw - not good enough. Remember, PHOTO first, eat later!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Yes Milord Inky! Your wish will be done.

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